ALL THE COOL STUFF THAT FRIENDS BUILT (with apologies to Mother Goose)
This is the shelf Kevin added (he’s clever) which supports all these canvases, kind John’s endeavor that sits on the easel, which Daniel made steady, that will show off the paintings Bronle makes (when they’re ready) that grew from her drawings, ideas fulfilled…Right here in the studio that George helped to build.
Huge storage shelf padded and painted, with dividers and sliders. Kevin is one handy guy.
Made by John at Giant Canvas, San Diego
Mabef M02 double-masted Lugano easel
First steps on the Rain On Water series: charcoal drawing
What a year it’s been! Got the new website in place, and (finally!) my blog interactive. As always, the domino effect is in play: Got inspired to do my own personal rain dance on canvas… Big new rain series requires big new canvases, which require... a studio sale to help make room… a new storage shelf overhead… and a long-overdue, good quality large easel… plus serious spring cleaning, replenishing, and sorting. And, please, now it’s time to paint!