LIQUID GOLD oil on canvas 36 x 48" sold
Red, yellow, blue: color mixing here is not a bit like paints. No orange, purple, or green will come out of these primaries. Here they never blend, they are just kinetic interlacings of swirled reflections, troughs, and ridges made by raindrops breaking the puddle’s surface, the undulations lapping and overlapping each other as they spread outward. Take one ochre stuccoed building, one patch of storm-torn blue sky, and one red pick-up truck in a back alley. Drop your keys, and when you bend to retrieve them, lo! An astonishing vision of all those mundane things made magical by water and light. End self-pity about getting damp and having wet keys. Bless you, camera phone, for your nearness at all times! And there’s that view, mine forever more. There’s always something new to see if you keep looking. Who says the Age of Exploration is over?